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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tomb Raider : Legend

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Game Name : Tomb Raider : Legend
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2006-03-28 04:18:16
Views : 17957

Unlockable Character profiles
Collect the indicated number of Bronze Artifacts to unlock the character profiles:

Lara Croft - Collect 10%
Zip - Collect 20%
Anaya Imanu - Collect 30%
Shogo Takamoto - Collect 40%
Toru Nishimura - Collect 40%
James Rutland - Collect 50%
Amanda Evert - Collect 70%
Winston Smith - Collect 80%
Alister Fletcher - Collect 90%
Unknown Entity - Collect 100%

Pistol Upgrades
To get these Pistol upgrades you need to obtain a certain amount of Reward items in levels

Extra damage - 75% Bronze and Silver
Increased Accuracy - 50% Bronze and Silver
Increased magazine size (40 bullets) - 25% Bronze and Silver

Cheat Mode
To use these codes simply press the corresponding keys anytime during gameplay. You must have the cheats unlocked in your Extras menu before they work. (unlock the cheats by gathering all the secret items)

Bulletproof Lara
Hold Backspace and press 7

Infinate Assault Rifle Ammo
Hold Backspace and press 3

Infinate Grenade Launcher Ammo
Hold Backspace and press 4

Infinate Shotgun Ammo
Hold Backspace and press 5

Infinate SMG Ammo
Hold Backspace and press 6

One Shot Kill
Hold Backspace and press 8

Show Enemy Health
Hold Backspace and press 2

Textureless Mode
Hold Backspace and press 1

Wield Excalibur
Hold Backspace and press 9

Wield Soul Reaver
Hold Backspace and press 0

Location Concepts
By collecting all the Bronze rewards in Levels, you get the location concept. This includes many different sketches of the level's creaction.

Bolivia - 100% Bronze in Bolivia
England - 100% Bronze in England
Ghana - 100% Bronze in Ghana
Japan - 100% Bronze in Japan
Kazakhstan - 100% Bronze in Kazakhstan
Nepal - 100% Bronze in Nepal
Peru - 100% Bronze in Peru
Special - 100% Bronze in Croft Manor

Unlockable Cheats
To obtain cheats in the game, you must complete certain Time Trials in Levels (mins:sec)

Bulletproof Lara - Complete England in less than 27:00
Draw Enemy Health - Complete Bolivia in less than 12:30
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo - Complete Japan in less than 12:15
Infinite Grenade Launcher ammo - Complete Kazakhstan in less than 27:10
Infinite Shotgun ammo - Complete Ghana in less than 20:00
Infinite SMG ammo - Complete Peru in less than 21:30
One Shot kill - Complete Bolivia Redux in less than 4:15
Wield Excalibur - Complete Nepal in less than 13:40
Wield Soul Reaver - Complete Game and all time trials

Lara's Many Outfits
To collect Lara's wardrobe of outfits, you need to collect and conquer special circumstances.

Amanda Ritual Outfit - Complete Ghana Time Trial
Amanda Winter Outfit - Complete Kazhkastan Time Trial
Biker - Finish England Level
Biker without Jacket - 100% Silver and Gold in England
Black Legend - 100% Silver in Croft Manor
Blue Legend - 100% Silver in Peru
Catsuit - 100% Gold in Japan
Classic outfit - 100% Gold in Peru
Cream Suit - 100% Silver and Gold in Croft Manor
Goth - Complete England Time Trial
Gray Classic - 100% Gold in Ghana
Green Sport Outfit - Complete Bolivia Time Trial
Lace Shirt Goth - Complete Japan Time Trial
Legend - Unlockable from the start of the game
Pink Legend - 100% Silver in Ghana
Pink Winter - Complete Nepal Time Trial
Pink Winter, No coat - Complete Peru Time Trial
Red Jacket Biker - 100% Silver in England
Ripped Evening dress - Finish Japan Level
Ripped Red Evening Dress - 100% Silver in Japan
Snowsuit - 100% Gold in Nepal
Special Forces - 100% Gold in Kazakhstan
Special Forces (Urban) - 100% Gold in England
Sport Outfit - 100% Gold in Bolivia
Suit - 100% Gold in Croft Manor
Union Jack Legend - 100% Silver in Bolivia
White Bikini (Croft Manor) - Complete all Time Trials and beat the game
Winer, Orange No coat - 100% Silver in Kazhkstan
Winter outift - Finish Kazakhstan Level
Winter, No coat - Finish Kazkhstan Level
Winter, Orange - 100% Silver in Nepal
Black Bikini (Croft Manor) - 100% Bronze, Silver and Gold in all Levels, beat Time Trials and Complete the game

Lara in bikini
To unlock the white and black swimsuits for Lara you must complete the game, find all the rewards (including the ones in Croft Manor) then complete the game again under the time trial difficulty. Complete Bolivia Redux in time trial mode. This will allow the use of the "One Shot Kill" cheat which will help significantly. Note: This will also unlock everything else in the game, including the pistol upgrades, another thirty costumes, and the "Wield Excalibur and "Wield Soul Reaver sword" cheats.

Pistol upgrades
Collect the indicated number of silver and bronze rewards to unlock the corresponding pistol upgrade:

Increased magazine capacity: 25%
Increased accuracy: 50%
Increased damage: 75%

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